Highlights from the Discovery Space 2nd Consortium Meeting in Athens

The Discovery Space team gathered in Athens for the second Consortium Meeting on January 11th and 12th, 2024. This meeting was a significant step in discussing the project’s progress and laying out future plans. 

Day 1 Overview: 

The first day began with an in-depth report on the project’s current status, focusing on the Pedagogical Framework and Guidelines and showcasing the proposed instructional design. 

A major portion of the day was dedicated to showcasing the Educational Learning Environment (ELE) and the authoring tool enabling educators to create adaptive learning scenarios, including, including live demonstration of the AI enabled learning assistant (conversational agent). The integration of additional educational scenarios into the Discovery Space learning platform was also discussed and a plan for the Integration & testing of the learning portal and the AI learning agent was presented. 

The day concluded with the presentation of the adaptive learning scenarios that have been created, as well as with discussions on the pilot implementation plan for Spring 2024. 

Day 2 Overview: 

The second day delved into the outcomes of the International Training Course that took place in 2023 and plans were made for the upcoming course to be held in 2024. The team also reviewed the evaluation framework and the pilot studies’ implementation methodology. 

Thereupon, the project’s outreach activities were presented while the dissemination and communication plan and responsibilities for the next months were discussed.  

Further discussions centered around project management and coordination structures, also in view of the upcoming project review. 

The meeting ended with an overview of the meeting’s results and the presentation of a detailed action plan for the next six months.